Vedic / Aryan Civilization (1500 BC - 600 BC)

Original Home

  • The original home of Aryans is still a point of debate. So there are many hypotheses. One of such is - The scholars who opened Saptha Sindhu as a home of Aryans were Sampurna Anand and A.C.Das. Sapta Sindhu (Afghanistan, Himalaya, Yamuna & Aravalli as boundaries that land is called Sapta Sindhu)- Seven Rivers
§  Saraswati
§  Sindhu (Indus)
§  Parushni (Raavi)
§  Vitasa (Jhelum)
§  Vipasa (Beas)
§  Satudri (Sale)
§  Asikini (Chenab)

--Tibet - Expressed by Dayanand Saraswati.
--Arctic - Bala Gangadhar Tilak is written a book titled "Arctic, The Home of Aryan".
--Germany - Almost by European historians.
--Central Asia - This is mostly accepted and sounds rational theory & proposed by Max Muller. He is a German Indologist and Sanskrit professor in German Universities. He translated Rig Veda into English. He proposed that Aryans came from Central Asia. His theory is based on Philology (Study of languages and their comparisons) and Epigraphy.

  • There is a very old inscription at a place Bhogazkoi (Turkey) which belongs to Aryans (1400 BC). This supports the Max Muller theory. There is a reference in the script that says Aryans are moving towards Eastern along with their Gods like Indra, Varuna...etc).
  •  Aryan Civilization, we study in two parts (phases).
                 --- 1500 BC - 1000 BC (Early Vedic culture/ Rig Vedic Culture) - Phase I.

                 --- 1000 BC - 600 BC (Later Vedic period) - Phase II.

  • Rig Veda is the earliest and written in the first phase. so the phase is named after this. No other book is available to study the first phase except Rig Veda. Only with this Rig Veda, this phase is studied.
  • The reason to study the AC in two phases is because after a 1000BC tremendous change came in culture. No matter Geography has a major role in it. Location of the first phase and second are different. By the end of the first phase, people began to move towards east Gangatic.
  • This civilization is developed by Aryans, who are believed to be foreigners (People from Central Asia). We call them Aryans because they speak Aryan. So it is a linguistic term. These people belong to the Nordic region.
  • These people composed a large number of Vedic literature this is called Vedic civilization. The first text was prepared by Aryan. Historic age began with the advent of Aryan.
  •  700-800 cities/sites have been excavated. Archeologist gave this civilization name as "Painted Grey Ware". Because they found pottery of gray color and painted  at many  sites.
  • Vedic literature is .completely sacred, pious and not secular. Later this formed a pillar of Hindu religion.
  • Aryan literature can be divided into 8 parts
1. Vedas
2. Brahmanas
3. Aranyaka
5. Vedangas
6. Puranas
8. Ithihasa



  •  Rig Veda has got 1028 hymns
- Divided into 10 Mandalams / Chapters
- The name of 10th chapter is Purusha Sukta and here one sloka refers about 'Caste System".
  • Yajur Veda - Rituals
  • Sama Veda - Deals with music
  • Atharvana Veda - Contains magical issues to deal with diseases (Mantras)


These are '7' and all these deal with rituals.
  • Aitereya Brahmana
  • Shulapata Brahmana
  • Kausitika Brahmana


  • Books related to forest living hermit i.e., Rishis, certain Aranyankas are appended to Brahmanas. So '7' Aranyankas added to '7' Brahmanas.


They are 108 in total in number
  • Chandogya
  • Gruhadranyaka
  • Mundokap ("Satya Meva Jayathe" comes from this)
  • Shwetheswatara
  • Jabalo


  • They are six in number
Siksha — Phonetics
Nirpkta — Etymology (Origin of words)
Vyakarna — Grammar
Chandassu — Metrics
Jyothishya — Astrology
Kalpa — Rituals
  • There are three parts of Kalpa.
  • Grihasutra — Home rituals (16 rituals are to be performed and maintained / described in Grihasutra). One such ritual is Upanayana. Dvija are 'Twice-born' and Ekaja are 'Single born'. The performance of Upanayana ritual is like being born once again. So who ever do this ritual is Dvija and rest who does not perform is Ekaja. The performance of this ritual is confined only to People/Male of Brahmans, Kshatriyas and Vysyas are only allowed for Upanayana. Sudras and women of 4 categories are not allowed for upanayana.
  • Stauthasutra — Public rituals
  • Suluva -Construction of fire altars (Sulva Sutra deals with the construction of fire altars and huge knowledge of geometry is dealt in detail).


Puranas are 18 in number. These contain unbelievable mythological stories and huge historical knowledge. Purana speaks of the genealogy of ancient period kings.
  • Vishnu Purana
  • Padma Purana
  • Matsya Purana
  • Vayu Purana 


Upavedas are 4 in number.
  • Ayurveda = Knowledge of life (Ayu = Life)
  • Ghandarvaveda = Music
  • Shilpaveda = Architecture
  • Dhanurveda = Archery


Epics are 2 in number
  • Ramayana
  • Mahabharata (Bhagavad-Gita is an appendix to Mahabharata)