Later Mughal Empire

Later Mughal Empire

During 18thC in India, there was a lot of political tensions, turmoil, and disintegrations of Mughal Empire etc. This collectively provided an environment conducive forBritish to creep in Indian territories spreading their trade and actively increasing their power and root is Indian politics. Moreover, Mughal emperor after Aurangzeb were not so powerful and dynamic so their timidity and being indifference to issues given a boost and opportunity to various officers to usurp power and declare independence. Thereafter the disintegration of Mughals has started and it shattered into more than 1000 kingdoms. Their weakness led British to rise as the supreme paramount power in India.
Mughals after the death of Aurangzeb in 1707 their rule continued till 1857 but not so effectively. These rulers were only figured head and puppets in the hands of vazirs and other nobles.


Bahadur Shah:

  • He is also known as 'Alam Shah I' ruled from 1707 to 1712. Contemporary historian describes him as 'Shah-i-Bekhabar' (Heedless emperor).

Jahandar Shah I :

  • He ruled for only a year 1712 - 1713. His vazir 'Zulfik-Khan' was defacto authority. He abolished Jiziya once for all in India. He also introduced a new revenue system called 'Ijara'. A middle _man is appointed for collecting tax on behalf of the state and he Shall return the amount to state while he receives a commission. This is a tax intermediary system.

Faruk Siyar:

  • He ruled from 1713 to 1719. Two brothers in his nobility popularly known as 'Syed brothers' were defacto rulers. They were Syed Abdullah was vazir and Syed Hussain Ali Khan was Mir Bakshi.
  • In the year 1717, he issued a farmana to English East India Company. According to this farmana, EEIC shall annually pay z 10000 to Mughals and in return the company can carry customs-free trade in 3 subhas. They are Bengal Subha, Gujarat Subha, and Deccan.

Mohd Shah:

  • He is popularly known as Rangeela (pleasure-loving man) and ruled from 1719 to 1748. A contemporary historian says Sultan has neglected his duties, not only neglected least he didn't know what his duties are too. He is dancing with women, drinking etc. It was a great time for all dancers. Sultan himself was involved in Kathak dance and Hindustani musician.
  • Two powerful nobles in his court were Nizam-ul-Mulk and Burham-ul-Mulk. These two officers were rivals to each other not only on political aspects but also on regional grounds. Nizam was Sunni from Central Asia known as Turanis and Burham was Irani Of late these two came out Delhi and declared independence by founding 2 different kingdoms. This is how disintegration started in Mughal Empire.
  • 1722 - Faizabad as capital 'Avadh' Kingdom was founded by Burham. This capital was later shifted to Lucknow.
  • 1724 - Nizam-ul-Mulk went to Deccan and founded 'Nizam' state with Aurangabad as capital which Was later shifted to Hyderabad during 'Nizam Ali' reign. Nizam-ul-Mulk has come down to Deccan because earlier he served as governor of Deccan twice in the Mughal period. He has good acquaintances and with their support, he was successful in founding the Nizam state. Nizam-ul-Mulk had a title 'Asaf Jha'. These Asaf Jhais ruled certain areas of Andhra Pradesh, Northern Karnataka, and Marathwada region till 1948.
  • During Mohd Shah's reign in 1739, Sultan Nadir Shah of Iran invaded India. Nadir Shah was known as 'Napoleon of Iran', such powerful and fierce was that King. A Battle at 'Karnal'(Haryana) was fought between Nadir Shah and Mohd Shah looked like a nominal battle in which 'Mohd Shah' was defeated (One side was a powerful king and another side was a weak king). 'Nadir Shah' stayed in India 60 days plundering and looting the wealth of Mughals to his satisfaction. His booty was worth of 70 crores and also abducted Peacock throne and 'Koh-i-noor' diamond (Mountain of Diamond in Persia).However, Kohinoor diamond returned to India eventually which was taken away by British to England where as whereabouts of Peacock throne were unknown.

Ahmed Shah:

  • He was son and successor of Rangeela ruled from 1748 to 1754. He was a puppet in the hands of his vazir, 'Imad-ul-Muck' who was very cruel, ferocious and powerful man. Because of a dispute between vazir and sultan, Ahmed Shah was imprisoned and in his place, Alaingir II  was made as Sultan. Alamgir ruled from 1754 to 1759.
  • Again due to a dispute between Alamgir and Ahmed, Alamgir II was killed and his naked dead body was thrown into a river. Not even the last rites were performed such is the fate of Mughal Sultan.

Shah Alam II:

  • He ruled from 1759 to 1806. No doubt he has a high-sounding title but personally he wasn't. He was in incognito for first 12 years taking shelter in Avadh for fear of Imad Shah. It is only after the death of 'Imad Shah' he returned and ruled. His territory at that time was confined to Delhi and Palam which was very insignificant and minute area. Contemporary historian says Alam territory does not go beyond Palam.
  • In 1803 - These territories of Delhi and Palam were also occupied by British and confining Alam to Red Fort. Britishers on humane and compassionate grounds gave the pension of 11.5 lakh to Shah Alam to meet his requirements etc. So Shah Alam II became the first pensioner sultan. Hereafter Mughal sultans were given pensions but not sovereign powers.

Akbar II:

  • He ruled from 1806 to 1837 unlike his ancestor Akbar he was very incapable and inept King. He was also pension receiving Sultan. As pension was insufficient to meet the expenses he made several petitions to EEIC to enhance but they didn't. So he decided to directly speak to Crown in England and get some remedy. He being very irrational and unwise. He sent a Bengal Brahmin who was western educated intellect. He conferred a title 'Raja' on him and thus he became Raja Ram Mohan Roy.
  • As per sultan wish, he went to England but didn't return. He died in England itself and his tomb is found at Bristol.

Bahadur Shah II:

  • The last sultan of Mughals ruled from 1837 to 1857. He was a good poet in Urdu and he wrote many shayris with pen name 'Zafar'.
  • In 1857, Sepoy revolt started against British regime (Sepoy were Indian those serving in British Army). These wanted to end the British reign in India and reinstate Mughal rule. So, they convinced Bahadur Shah II finally. Initially, he was reluctant knowing the power of British and fear of getting killed. He requested them not to indulge him in this movement but forcibly made the leader of the movement. British eventually suppressed the revolt and entered Delhi massacred all members of Mughal family not even child and women were spared. No root of Mughal family was spared fearing the inheritance later.
  • Bahadur Shah was captured in 1858 and put in Rangoon jail. In 1862 he died in the jail itself. He was buried there itself With this Mughals were completely gone once for all. A poet laments that poor Bahadur Shah II was so unfortunate that he could not get 6 feet land for his burial in his own motherland.