Advent of Denmark and French(Part-1)

Advent of Denmark and French(Part-1)


  • Danish were next to follow British were merchants of Denmark. These people were very insignificant just petty merchants.
  • They came to India in 1616 and their first settlement in India was at 'Trancubar' in Tamil Nadu. Their headquarters was at Sarangpur, Bengal.
  • In 1845, they left India selling their all settlements to British without revolting.


  • These were last Europeans who came to India for trade.
  • In 1664 'French East India Co' was founded which was a public enterprise. (Man behind this was then Prime Minister Colbert and King was Louis. French kings at this point time were very sober and never initiative. Prime Ministers were almost defacto rulers).
  • Their first settlement was at Surat in 1668. Other settlements were at. Machilipatnam, Chandranagar, Yanam (Andhra Pradesh), Mahe (Kerala), Karaikal (Tamil Nadu) and headquarters was at Pondicherry.
  • In 1673 site of Pondicherry was acquired by a French officer 'Francois Martin' from a local Nawab. He developed the city from scratch. Francois Martin was governor of French in India.
  • British and French fought many wars in India may be out of political reasons arose in India or sometimes outside India. These Anglo-French wars are known as Carnatic wars. These are named so because Carnatic has become venue/theater of these wars. Carnatic is a region in Tamil Nadu with capital at Arcot has declared independent after the death of Aurangzeb. Carnatic is derived from Coromandal.
  • These wars reflected like wars between two nations, unlike two companies. [Rivalry between French and British was not only political but also national. There was mutual hatred between citizens of each nation. Hatred from grass root level. In the process of supreme power in the world, this hatred-ness has deepened more]. Total three Carnatic wars were fought and out of which two were extensions of war that fought outside India.

First Carnatic War:

  • This was fought around 1746 to 1748. The root cause for this war was European politics. At this time, there was a war of succession in Austria as the King of Austria died. French were supporting one successor and British other so they were in the war. This Carnatic war was just extended the war in India. French governor `Dupleix' a powerful man, captured Madras and expelled British completely from that place.
  • This war came to an end when the war in Europe came to an end with a truce called 'Treaty of Aix La Chappell'. One provision of this treaty was to maintain pre-war status quo i.e. all occupied  territories shall be returned into to the respective holder.
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