Political System and Religious Changes in Aryan Civilization

Political System 

Phase I 

  • Every tribe has a leader who is elected i.e., it is not hereditary and is called `Rajan' a clear example of Republican way.
  • Sabha, Samithi (tribal assemblies) are very much there & Rajan is answerable to these assemblies.
  • Duties of Raja — Protect Jana (People), Pasti (Cattle). 
  • There is no concept of Janapada (Kingdom). No kingdoms were established (Pastoral economy, Nomadic life is the reason.
  • Fierce inter-tribal wars were fought for cattle-lifting but not for territory. The term for .war in Rig Veda is `Gavisthi'.
  • `Dasaragna' (Battle of Ten Kings) is the famous battle. mentioned in Rig Veda, this war was fought between Baratha clan and Kuru clan  along with his 9 allies as a confederation. Thus, the battle was fought on the banks of Parushni River (raavi). The king of Bharatha was Sudama and he emerged victoriously.
  •  [Bharatha son of Shakuntala & Dushyanta; Shakunthala daughter of Vishwa Mitra & Menaka; every time a reference about Vishwamitra is made, but nothing is known about him; these are the only characters created by Great Kalidasa but not historical figures.]
  • Various officers in administration and bureaucracy, these officers assist Rajan.
  1. Purohit
  2. Senapati
  3. Vrajapati (Pasture  lands in charge)
  4. Gramani (Head of a Village) 

  •  Source of income — Bali (it not a tax, but voluntary offering; tax concept hasn't evolved yet) 

Phase II 

  • Janapada - Territorial states have formed, many kingdoms emerged.
  • Monarchical System - It is not democratic but it is totally autocratic.
  • Tribal identity is merged into territorial identity
  • Primary goal is protecting territories
  • The tax system was introduced: Bagha (share) is the tax, Bhagadug - Tax collector in Later Vedic Period.  Sangrahitri is the treasure. 

Religious Changes 

Phase I 

  • Worship of natural forces — Plants, Earth, Sun, Moon, Water, Weather, Fire, and Wind
  • Anthropomorphic and human characteristic are attributed to Gods.
  1. Indra -- He is personification of weather as well as war god
  2. Varuna -- Water
  3. Agni -- God of Fire
  4. Tvastri -- Volcano
  5. Vayu -- God of Wind
  6. Surya -- Sun
  7. Sama -- Plant
  8. Aswins -- Gods are Medicinal Plants
  9. Marut -- Gods of Thunder Storm 
  10. Ushas -- Dawn
  11. Aditi -- Goddess of Earth
  12. Savitri -- Morning Light or Bright Light
  • Methods of worshiping was very simple; through compiling and chanting prayers and through offerings like vegetables, flowers, soma, drink (It is a ritual drink and in particular to India who is also known as 'Somapa'.
  • Rig Veda religion was highly materialistic. 

Phase II 

  • Three Supreme Gods, have emerged — trinity 
  1. Prajapati Later he became Brahma; Function -- Creator.
  2. Rudra -- He is a destroyer of Evils.
  3. Vishnu -- He the protector.
  • Religion became ritualistic and animals sacrifices.
  • Highly spiritual and speculative (nonmaterialistic).