Prehistoric Cultures - Chalcolithic Age

Prehistoric Cultures - Chalcolithic Age (3000 - 700BC)

  • Last stage of prehistoric age. In India, this age is seen between 3000 BC - 700 BC. Though some areas in India are still in neolithic age some areas have surpassed it and entered into chalcolithic age. First metal used by human beings was Copper (3000 BC) then Bronze (2500 BC) and later Iron (1000 BC).
  • Chalcolithic cultures were classified based on transition from use of stone tools to metal tools as 
  1. Pre-Harappan
  2. Contemporary to Harappan
  3. Post-Harappan
  • In India, many chalcolithic-Cultures were found in different parts. Like In Rajasthan - A Sothi culture was developed circa 3000 BC - Pre-Harappan. Some sites of this culture were found t Aahar (2100 - 1500 BC), Gulind, and Tambavathi. At Gulind houses were built with burnt bricks.
  • In Malwa region around 1700 BC - 1200 BC - Contemporary to Harappan. Some sites of this culture were found at Kayatam, Navadatoli, and Eran, Maheshwar, Nagda. Copper Bangles, Necklaces of precious stones and food grains are found here.
  • In Indo-Gangatic basin - OCP(Ochre colored pottery) culture was developed around 2000 BC -1500 BC Contemporary to Harappan. Some sites of this culture were found at Hastinapur, Nasirpur(UP), Gungeria (MP). At Gangeria 424 copper tools and 102 Thin Silver Sheets were found.
  • In Maharastra - Jorwe culture was developed around 1400 - 700 BC - Post-Harappan. More than 200 sites were found of this culture. Some sites of Jorwe Culture were found at - Nevasa, Chandoli, Inamgaon, Dainiabad(Biggest site). All sites are in Ahmednagar(Dist).
  • No chalcolithic site was found in South India.
  • Both Agrarian and pastoral practices were taken and it is a mixed economy. Large scale domestication and rearing of animals were carried out. Unfortunately though large herds of cattle were there but the dairy technology was absent.
  • Milk wasn't used in day to day life. This led to high rate of infant deaths. This phenomenon of infant mortality was evident from a large heap of infant skeletons found a Daimabad.
  • Shifting cultivation was practiced entirely. Wheat, rice,bajra, pulses and moreover fruits and vegetables were also cultivated.
  • Both sophisticated stone tools and copper tools were used. Village settlements have grown large in size. At Daimabad, it was estimated that 4000 people lived there. Writing skills weren't developed though some contemporary civilizations (with which these had good commercial contacts) have scripted. It can be said that most chalcolithic cultures were post-Harappan in chronology but pre-Harappan in technology.
  • Sophisticated pottery was in use. Painting of pottery was started at this age. At various chalcolithic sites, large numbers of grave goods were found indicating these people continued the beliefs of their ancestors in life after death. Moreover, fire altars were found indicating the performance of rituals. Ling worship was noticed at various places. Skeletons exhumed at Daimabad have no foot. they have been chopped before burying this indicates people fear of died turning into scripts(phasmophobia).